a bitch that can't help but help me stop lindsay lohan, hilary duff is a sweet inicent littel teen and thats whyi hate her, she makes people think that she's so much better than lindsay but the truth is is that they'er both pathetic

~ha ha~
person1:hey have u herd that hillary duff and lindsay lohan r having a total cat fight
person2:ya i don't rely care as long as it totaly ruens ther whole singing and acting reputation
person 1:rely u feel that way ,thats funny
person1:cuz thats exactly how i feel
by lindsay cornell /pw-jr. high January 13, 2005
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hilary duff: Im lyke soo appreciattive...and lyke i just waannA thank Evrywun hu lyke supports meh...
Girl:it's ok we know u ditn get enuf oxygen to your brain...we take sympathy ;)
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A girl who got a record deal based on nothing, but her cute blonde innocent girl image.

The girl can not act to save her life, is in the acting business for only one type of a role, a blonde innocent sweet girl who cries and moans.

She hasn't ever played a role other then a teen girl, she is already 18 but in every movie she plays a sweet 15 year old.
Girl: Wow this concert sucks. She can't sing, like, her voice is, like, digitized.
Boy: Yeah but she's hot.
Girl: She's ugly and fat.
Boy: Yeah but shes hot.
by afasfasf August 29, 2005
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Jim: I just fucked Hilary Duff.
Policeman: She is underage. You're under arrest.
Jim: Shit. That Hilary Duff ain't nothin but jailbait.
by foy_45 March 28, 2004
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a slut that can't act, sing, or fool people anymore. starts fight with people who are better than her, and is one of the biggest posers around.
if you keep that up you'll be like hilary duff
by sunkissedbrunette May 10, 2005
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A pop singing celeb that is hated for no real reason, simply because they are jealous of the fact that she is a multi-millionaire. she reminds us that being a teenager isnt all doom and gloom and that no one is perfect. she is in no way similar to paris hilton, lindsay lohan or other celebs of pop culture. Being a disney actress-turned-singer she faces many stereotypes and challenges that other "hardcore" teens would run away and hide from instead of facing them head on like she does.
Hilary duff is a normal person, she sings,acts,and does charity work. If people wouldnt be so harsh about her, it would give people all over the world a chance to be comfortable with themselves.But instead, people have to be social cattle and because one or two people dislike her music, the whole world must hate her too. wheres the balls in that?

yeah, i just stood up for Hilary Duff, and im proud of it. all the haters, posers, and homosexually insecure straight males should just go play in traffic :
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