He is a Child Rapist. He likes to take advantage of underage kids. Type of retard to put OCE in his Fortnite name
Taking advantage of kids is an art

Okay Bradley”
by SkuxxWithCucks May 24, 2019
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The worst human being imaginable. A fucking retarded dyslexic kid that shouts racial slurs and sticks wet paper towels to electrical outlets. Also moans like a bitch while raping his dog. Will sit in class fingering himself while blasting lil pump
Bradley sucks dicks and doesnt even charge.
by WhatUpCuz101 November 28, 2018
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Short ass motha fucka who sucks dick every night. He's a bellend and fucks the priest, he's got a small knob with massive pubes. He's an autist.
Ur such a bradley. bellend gay dicksucker battypriest
by MTS-Bois March 18, 2018
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A really kind person with a good heart always willing to give a helping hand to anyone in need. However if you F*CK with him he will find a way to get revenge. That is something a Bradley is really good at.
I just met a Bradley and he helped me with shopping.
by dzaam88 January 4, 2020
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A BADASS MOTHA FUCKA with a very large penis
and is great in bed.
Girl: wow! you were a total bradley in bed, hope we can do it again.
by Ron Weasly May 24, 2008
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When a police officer sticks his baton up your butt to check for drugs.
officer1 "Did you give that kid a bradley?"

officer2 "Yes I did"
by heighger March 14, 2007
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