Someone who'll have sex with anyone, anywhere, any time
i am a pro bono prostitute
by Bob Jefferies October 9, 2003
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Colombia: A warm cheese bread usually eaten with hot chocolate.

Also means vagina.
Que rico esta ese pan de bono!

That girl ahad a hot pan de bono.
by PaisaJosue August 11, 2009
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A term used in Formula 1 by Sir Lewis Hamilton to secretly say that he is going to do multiple fastest laps of the race
Bono: Verstappen is closing the gap behind

Lewis: I cant keep him behind Bono, my tyres are gone we are on the wrong strategy.

*proceeds to win the race with 30 seconds gap infront of 2nd place

Lewis: Those redbulls are getting really fast they are catching us
by SLKILL March 17, 2021
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The smoking of an assload of pot at once. 4 blunts, 3 joints, 4 bowls, a whole pan of "adult brownies", a whole loaf of bread (toast) with cannibutter, and 15 bong rips to be exact. And its funny because Sonny Bono died skiing into a tree.
by Freshketh September 1, 2009
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When a drunk, 250 pound man-boy takes on a 140 pound girl in a fight. While simple math would result in the girl being overpowered, the fact that we are dealing with a man boy results in him getting a black eye, a mouthful of dirt, and pretending he can't remember it the next day.
Hey, did Nick try to rough up Sarah????

Well, he tried, but it just ended up being a Chaz Bono 2 step.
by toofatforwords October 26, 2011
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Scoring a "zero" in two or more aspects/categories of any type of game. Being so disengaged and useless that your teammates literally forgot you were playing for awhile there.
Uh oh - did you really just get 0 kills and 0 damage? Bro, you just pulled a Double Bono!
by TreyPuttz May 9, 2019
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