California cuisine is a gourmet style of fusion cuisine that comes only from California. It uses local, freshly prepared organic ingredients and has a strong emphasis on presentation. It is often made to look like art, such as being highly decorated and served in small portions. It has also become known as favored food of the wealthy because it’s served at restaurants and dinner party’s through-out Beverly Hills and upper class areas. It is often served with Napa Valley and CA regional wines. One good example of California cuisine are the offerings of Wolfgang Puck. Popular places for Angelinos to shop for their ingredients are the “Farmer’s Market” on 3rd and Fairfax in Hollywood and “Whole Foods Markets”
by Pretentious Snob 90210 January 10, 2014
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Its when Jesse Romo and Cody Sanchez fist a girl/Guy and leaves them bleeding and the buttwhole gets 5 inches wider.
My mom said Jesse And Cody gave her a California reaper whole
by All hail our lord and savior h February 20, 2016
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When your friend puts his dick over your shoulder and you wear it like a necktie.
My buddy Tim gave me a California Necktie while I wasn't looking.
by Yankees10407 April 15, 2017
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Where a guy lays in a bathtub and thirteen or fourteen bitches (ugly or hot) shit on him till he’s swimming in the human shit waste.
After they have completed the task of filling the bathtub up with runny and chunky shit the man has to eat as much as he can to fill his stomach up. After that he then gags himself over the top of the toilet where new water comes in and flush the toilet then throws up the shit in the toilet. The toilet will then fill the toilet up with liquified shit and he has drink it all like a dog. If he is lucky he will get a couple of chuncks in it
I came back to my house and smelled what I thought was a California almond mound in my bathroom
by Big White Man July 4, 2021
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A day where you act like a movie star or famous person, the way people from California do, at least that is the way ignant people think they act all the time.
When you hand the cashier the money, you do it cool, like it was a California day.
by The Original Agahnim January 14, 2022
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Enjoying only the substances which are legal in California such as weed and alcohol.
I no longer smoke meth. I'm now in California Recovery!
by Rebel F. Lawless May 10, 2022
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