When you give a cop a blow job after he ate a dozen donuts
She was exhausted after puffing the donut.
by XxvampxX January 12, 2018
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Where a guy fucks a donut and cum in it then a girl eats it
Will is doing the donut gagger with a prostitute
by Matt.conner March 15, 2019
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A pig that rolls around in the mud for too long before fucking a pigeon.
Damn did you see that guy, he is a total messy donut!
by Sandwich69 August 11, 2022
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Doing Oral Anal on a girls asshole that's crusty and dirty and filthy
Bill ate my dry donut last week and he broke up with me because of it
by Slimbaby January 3, 2016
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A slang term for fried cow vagina. A specialty meat consumed primarily in the American southwest.
Hell yeah, Hank, come on down! We just got back from the butcher and we're fryin' up some cowboy donuts!
by Megamickel June 29, 2019
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Fucking a mutilated thigh gap of a pasty complexioned young woman till a frothy mixture of man-cream and raspberry red blood fills the tunnel produced in the doughy flesh.
"Karen was such a basic yoga bitch of a white girl, I just had to hate fuck her."

"Did you give her a split cream donut?"

"You know it!"
by Vari the Vampire November 7, 2023
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