A moist expulsion of air from the vagina, best seen on colder days.
"You can tell it is cold out when, your see a women and she has steam coming from her vagina region, you know she just let out a good steamy queef...."
by Pyramiddude87 March 7, 2014
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a madman, some say he doesn’t exsist but it is uknown some say queef brodie showed up in the battle of the niggas alongside tabotrix gaming however tabotrix gaming is now dead so he cannot confirm, a man named PromaxJD has been asked since he was there however he will not answer as he “cries of just the thought of his fellow soldier tabotrix” and is to sad to even think about the battle anymore the story is unclear however some say the actual name for the battle was the battle of lil ginge and not the battle of the niggas however we will never know…
you better watch i’ll get queef brodie on you! “ah shit i’m sorry man i’ll give you the netherite axe just don’t get queef brodie please nigga!”
by Tabotrix lover January 3, 2022
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when you eat someone out and they have covid and they queef in your mouth
guy 1: hey how was that chick last night

guy 2: bro she c-queefed in my mouth
by gaypussylol September 18, 2021
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When a human with a cloaca blasts a queef so powerful it manifests into a gas fist, which throws a punch curving to the left, right into a woman's saggy bag
Oh you think you're funny huh? Well how about i throw a left queef to the bosom right at ya.

BLAST! i missed! Im sorry i tried queefing on yo tits, dont stab me witjlh ya clit. WAIT N-

rest in peace
by Snozingly7 August 15, 2023
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That squelching fart sound that you hear when slotting the lid back over a small, laminated cardboard box.
1: "Did you just fart?"
2: "Nah, it's just box queef. I was putting the lid back on the set of cards."
by Pseudonymouspseudonym February 8, 2016
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Man queef
Vulgar Slang, North American
When men who regularly practice docking get air trapped in their enlarged urethra’s, eventually they must expel that air (typically after getting erect) in the form of a “man queef.”
Guys, did you hear that man queef?! Someone must be happy to see me!
by Th3RealPoopMaster9000 May 12, 2022
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A high pitched fart that results from a man’s monumental efforts to tighten his anus during sex after a dinner that lead to extreme gas pains. The high pitch is the necessary differentiating factor from regular flatulence during sex. Like a female queef but in reverse, the female in this case is required to pretend it’s cute, regardless of smell. The high pitch demonstrates anus tightening warranting complete exoneration of the coutal male.
Oof. I let loose a man queef so bad that even she got grossed out. Good thing the pitch rendered it a queef.
by Daseinstruth October 17, 2020
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