A bastard who is not worthy of having two balls.
girl 1: Tom broke up with me!!

girl 2: Oh my God!! He is such a one-balled bastard!!
by one-balled bastard April 5, 2011
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A name given to one (typically a male) who is of greater disreputable character than a simple bastard; A real dick head.
He did what?! Man that guy is a whole sack full of bastards!
by Houston JC July 9, 2009
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A slur for people who are exercising out in the morning and get in the way of cars and shit.
“Hey, get out of the way, you bicycle bastard!”
by Windows_07 June 20, 2018
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Phrase used usually to describe someone who is a Genius and a Son of a Bitch at the same time, or in other occasions, someone who, even being a total idiot, is someone that you admire in some way

In some rare occasions, it's also used when you want to say good luck to your Best Friend in an Humorous way
it has it's origins on a Greentext from an user on 4Chan where the user describes himself playing a game with another person
Example one: Man, he just called everyone an idiot in the presentation today, but it was the most epic way to do it, what an Wonderful Bastard

Example two: Guy G: goodbye boi, i go to save country, c u never

Guy T: Goodbye, you wonderful Bastard

Example Tree: Guy D: sorry, i can't come, i'm having Chemical Exams

Guy C: oh really? sorry to hear it, goodbye, Good luck, you Wonderful Bastard *hangs up*
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The term first appeared with Quake by Id software in online chats and taunts of fellow players.

Any player who has a high ping value and is able to stay at the top of the scoreboard for online gaming. Typically for dial up connections with a high ping and latency. The players tend to taunt and adapt tactics on first person shooters or real time simulations to the point of excellence and aggravation of broadband users who spend many times their counterparts and still get rektd. Abbreviated as "HPB" usually.
Did you hear about the guy who leased a T1 line to play online for $2000 a month? He still gets pwned by High Ping Bastards with rusted barbed wire telephone lined dialup users from Oklahoma.
by Argonator May 19, 2022
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A guy who coincidentally steals peoples girlfriends unintentionally.
Person A: "Yo, dude. Where's your girlfriend?"
Person B: "We broke up..."
Person A: "Condition Bastard?"
Person B: "Yeah..."
by Condition_Bastard October 9, 2008
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