When a man is doing a woman, the man sticks a mouse trap into the girls vagina when shes about to orgasm, the movement of the vaginal muscles then set it off and the male proceeds to slap both of her ears simultaneously with the palms of his hands.
Fred: awwww man did you hear what jim did to sally last weekend

Tom: the Alabama cooch clapper!!!, she aint guna sit right for weeks!
by Mr. P3anut March 22, 2010
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A person usually a lady who is an epic shag for reasons unknown
Posh girls have good manners, but they go like the clappers because they never got to hang around with boys at school
by Joecls May 23, 2022
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A walter booty clapper will smack yo butt all night long, then molest you with a 3,000 ft pole that come out from in his pants.
hes a real walter booty clapper
by I LOVE BIG BOOBS November 3, 2022
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colby armstrong said it best on OTR, a hockey term meaning a quick slapshot where the stick is lifted half way, almost like a snap shot, with a quick release which sends the puck in the top section of the net over either of the goaltenders shoulders or glove and blocker
Theres Kesler with a half-clapper top cheddar snipe, Canucks lead 1-0
by Luongos'2ndcoming May 3, 2011
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The act of getting your enourmous pennis to repeatedly slap your signifcant other's face to the point of making their nose bleed and then forcing them to drink your cum and their blood.
Mike: remember tracy the chick I hooked up last night with?
Sum rahndum brotha: daaaayum she be hot

Mike: yeah, righ before I was done I gave her the old arizona tramp clapper and she loved it
Sum randhum brotha: OOOOOOO you be nasty motha focka!
by The truck 96 June 22, 2011
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is a sex position where one guy eats the other dudes ass while he's getting booty clapped by walter white as he calls him a good little monkey
until you say yes daddy do it again then he get booty raped by 3 big brolic black dudes as they ala a lack bar and shoots them with a rpg shooting sperm in them
by Thebigdaddyclapper November 3, 2022
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A rash looking STD you get when rubbing a mans penis inside the bend of someones knee.
1. Did you hear Joe gave Jamie the knee clapper on the church trip

2. My parents are going to kill me if they find out I have the knee clapper
by 2 girls half a brain September 27, 2013
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