Usually associated with an overweight, unreliable, and “busy” person. They generally are of no use to there friends.
Stephen said he was busy.”
“Seriously?! He’s such a f%#cking sod these days!”
by Kevin Bartel October 16, 2019
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a person who is a sex offender and is of a asian descent
SOD sex offender HOLLWAY
by jped March 21, 2023
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a person who is a sex offender and is of a asian descent
SOD sex offender HOLLWAY
by jped March 21, 2023
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Someone who is really annoying and stupid
by Pigeon xo January 9, 2021
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a Type of curse word from the country mongolia, meaning THAT LITTLE COUNTRY SIDE BASTARD
Ill kill the Sod,oh sod you,What did you say to me you sod?
by Chcukelyes June 4, 2019
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Seed Oil Disrespect - Referring to the complete and utter disrespect of any oil from seeds.

Canola, vegetable, sunflower, grapeseed, soybean, and corn. All of these are ultra-high in linoleic acid and will lead to excess and sustained inflammation. In layman's terms, you'll want to avoid these cooking oils and focus on real fats; butter, beef tallow, extra virgin olive oil, among others.
Wow, he's really got quite the SOD-bod - his tan is fantastic and he holds barely any excess adipose tissue; a real adonis.
by SOD Global February 2, 2022
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Someone who engages in anal copulation (aka gay sex, mmmmm).
Lucas is a sod.
by Mama Burke December 15, 2022
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