They are disgusting Veggies that stink and are slimey and they are also an example of something that is hard and squishy. They are not a hard and squishy thing that Anyone would eat cause they are nasty and whoever eats them, their taste buds do not need to go through that much suffering!
Someone: Don’t eat a pickle
Someone else: what if I wanna
Someone: you shouldn’t

Someone else: *eats a pickle*
Someone else’s taste buds: what is this person doing to me! This is disgusting!
Someone: so how’d it taste?
Someone else: this is nasty! 🤢
by Sassy sister #1 September 27, 2019
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That one "vegetable" stick that you soak in juices
Tim put his pickle in a juice jar for a few days.
by slimysteak March 7, 2019
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(n) the act of inhaling and later vomiting an entire pickle at someones house.
"Adam was so wasted last night, he pickled Ariana"

"yeah, he was really living his vomit life."
by LYVL May 8, 2011
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The act of pouring pickle juice into a girls vagina, fucking it and then having her suck your dick dry.
I was so pissed at my girlfriend that i pickled her
by poopypants12345 January 30, 2011
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Member of a group who is considered a disappointment when compared with the superior achievements of Other group Members.
Calling a person Pickle is Personifying the Mc Donalds Pickle, that when found in a burger is considered a let down when compared to ther other contents of the burger.
An alternative for the expression "Ugly Duckling"
Kylie and Dannie Mingoe's brother is the family pickle

That Nick sure is a Pickle, his family are all so good looking and really smart- I don't know what went wrong with him.
by Lucas Georgiadis May 9, 2005
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