a molded cookie that will give u an infection inside of the eyes, stomach, heart, and sometimes feet. it can also cause lung damage. it can be spreader easily by touch of lips, fingers, and even poop or pee. lol.
o em gee i got MOLDY COOKIE! I want u to have it too bozo! 🤣😈🥶
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A bread that hasn't been on discord that they have started to mold.
Ruggy: Holy shit Moldy bread is back
Moldy Bread: Ya so what
by TheBreadY December 29, 2018
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A dick infected with Std and has erectile dysfunction.
Oh shit you have the moldy croissant. Stay the fuck awqy from me
by Djcannon April 3, 2017
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1: I gotta hit the shower and clean out the moldy closet.

2: Baby, your hygiene sucks! I can smell the moldy closet, a foot away!
by CircleJ September 27, 2023
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1: I gotta hit the shower and clean out the moldy closet!
2: Baby , your hygiene sucks, I can smell the moldy closet, 2 feet away!
by CircleJ September 27, 2023
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a moldy pussy that has muscles that will clam and rip your dick off
Me:Say away from her shes got a moldy mousetrap!

You:Run AWAY!!!
by SDI Clover April 15, 2010
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