0. ??? (what is the origin?)
1. A) funny in the sense of humorous rather than strange. Earliest usage I've found (on the web): "strange or funny-haha?" --title of CD by the Japanese electronic artist "bisk" (a/k/a Fujikawa Naohiro). Sub Rosa 118, earliest date given: June 1997; b) emphasizes funniness by repetition; c) performs funniness by using a silly phrase.
3. Names of humor websites in Canada and the UK
4. Graffit seen on pavement in NYC (first place I saw it).
What is your what, you say, funny haha?
by half_full_cup May 13, 2005
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the definition is in the name

haha jk....

steve: what if we put our minecraft beds next to each other haha jk.... unless?

alex: no-
by galn September 2, 2019
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A form of expressing that you are literally laughing out loud, (most likely at them)

A kewler right way in saying lol

Sound emitted when laughing

ha he ho for short
Petej I am right you are wrong haha hehe hoho
by peachie:) December 7, 2010
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An absolute terror of a comeback that destroys any argument with nuclear explosions, both hypothetical and real. The power level of this phrase trumps even that of the ancient "no u", for the opponent's opinion is left in limbo and their existence is made a lie. Use only in emergencies or when attempting to end a "no u" war.
Jeff: ur mom gay
Mike: no u
Jeff: no u
Mike: haha ur face
*Jeff explodes in an instant and is sent to hell, where Satan himself summons him and utters the phrase "ur family tree LGBT", causing Jeff's pain to multiply exponentially as he is spun in a circle as a bunch of gay people slap his ass and continue to pelt "ur mom gay" at him
by Fag Bag Frog March 27, 2018
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From what i have gathered, this is a way most people get by saying insulting and asshole-like things.

Asshole: dude your fat, retarded, ugly and gay! HAHA j/k!!

Me: you fuckin dick.

Asshole: what? i said j/k!!
by elevendy one December 1, 2009
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