A dry cleaning bag that has been tied in knots along its length, hung from the ceiling, and lit on fire. The burning plastic will then drip down into a pan of water, with the drops making a groovy whooshing sound as they fall.
Wow man, we blew a couple joints of Panama Red last night and lit a flaming groovy in the living room. The fire department got there really quick after the couch caught on fire!
by Stratosspheros April 12, 2023
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1) Smoking marijuana with seeds that erupt, sending a shooting flame.
2) The burn hole left in your clothes when a lit ash of a joint falls onto them.
Wow,dude. You about burned off your nose with that flaming groovy.
by Mann, Hugh October 13, 2021
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A gamer who plays virtual simulations casually to enjoy the vibe of being with the boys.
Guy: Do you know of any groovy gamers?
Girl: I only know of one groovy gamer from YouTube, @Groovy Gamer Plays on YouTube.
by Groovy Gamer Plays May 6, 2020
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This term is used to define the water you get from the water cooler or other expensive bottled water.
"Don't use the groovy water for the coffee pot."
by CitrixCuru72 February 3, 2012
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A large group of grad students at Penn State who drink away their worries every week (and usually multiple times per week) at a hole-in-the-wall bar. Generally only consists of science-minded grad students. (N.B. The "groovy" times do not always have to involve alcohol, and can, in fact, involve many different substances.)
Last night I went out with the Groovy Time Posse, and bitched about undergrads while taking tequila shots.
by NotAnUndergrad May 20, 2010
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