The agility to handle any insect, person, animal, or object, in a way that protects the ninja, and or their friends and family.
Dave: *kills bug between fingers*
Greg: dang Dave, you've got some serious cat like ninja reflexes.

Dave: I'm kind of a big deal
by tttoriii June 4, 2016
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Look it up on google, dearies.

It happens when one side/the affected limb, etc., can't take the bruises, bumps (the beating), anymore, and instead of pain going away, it keeps repeating itself. The result of numbness, tingling pain, stiffness, tremors (shaking of the limb), color changes in the skin, temerature changes in the affected limb, and more.

It can also cause insomnia, migranes, nausia, etc.

To cut it short:

A pain in the ass.
some guy 1:Hey, dude.
some guy 2:Yeah?
some guy 1:My RSD is flaring up, I have to go home
some guy 2:That stinks.
some guy 1:Like you'd know! Bastard.
by Pfft February 18, 2005
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The shittiest youtuber in the whole world.
Yes worse than misha.
AND Roman Atwood.
AND ComedyShortsGamer.
by CapFlow March 28, 2017
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"pig" referring to the 50's slang term for police;

the automatic instant reaction when you see a cop to put your foot on the break and act unsuspicious
Friend 1- "dude why did you just slam on the breaks when we passed the cop?"

friend 2-"sorry my pig reflex was acting up."
by Shitsandgiggles1107 May 12, 2011
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An involuntary fist thrust in result of something said by a millennial asshole.
Adam: bro, that flatbill is supes gucci.
Charlie: ....
Adam: (reflex punched in the face)
by Charliecamelcase December 16, 2017
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When you take the first short sip of hot espresso and have to poop immediately.
A: Where is Mike?
B: Man, he had Zakurdaev's reflex, he's sitting on the toilet.
by Strimfla January 3, 2018
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