South Korean male.
Owner of Wisdom K Corp.
Known as biggest dingdong contributor.
Jeesu lim
by Jeesu November 23, 2021
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Me: Oh my god you messed up my nail!
Her: oh dont worry just lim it off.
by Taco draco May 25, 2020
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A type of dog

-extremely annoying

-supports incest
Example : Did u see that guy ? What a lim Jun
by takbir May 13, 2015
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Wholesome boy, very good friend but a perfectionist at times. He is very smart but hates being called it, and is really nice to many. However he is kinda dumb sometimes as he thinks ACSP is better then ACSJ and that Iron Man would lose to Batman in a fight
Isaac Lim is the best friend anyone could ask for, he is kind and compassionate. Do cherish your time with him, you won’t regret it even though you’ll have to deal with bits of dumbness now and then.
by Guitarboi27 July 28, 2021
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Lucas is someone who loves his teacher way too much. Lucas is also someone who gives people hours to owe him. His best friend will always escape from him, always. Lucas will always knew that his best friend escapes. Even though liking his teacher too much is WIERD, DEFINITYLY WIERD, it made him pass his exams, and made him top in class for every subject. He likes to spin circles too :) and loves the problem with snowman. Lucas sometimes a bit a bit like that one, but he try not to.
Lucas Chionh Lim Wee and his teachers spin circles at 11 o'clock
Lucas Chionh Lim Wee: Okay lor, 1240 hours added
Lucas Chionh Lim Wee: Escape
Lucas Chionh Lim Wee:I knew it
Lucas Chionh Lim Wee:Omg look, i'm dying, the teachers omg!
by Everydayescapefromyou:) November 23, 2021
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