A very smart and kind person who can be shy at times. But opens up a bit when you have one on one conversations. Trustworthy and supportive no matter what. Always has your back, and is not afraid to tell you the truth of what you're really thinking. Loves owls, riding his bike in the rain and being around his friends. Has insecurities but is still only human. He is respectful, kind and caring. Somewhat sporty with good sportsmanship. Has to realise that it is ok to let his guard down and relax a bit. Has to learn to take his own advise sometimes too. Has a good sense of humour and never offends anyone intentionally. Good to talk to late at night when you can't sleep. He listens even if it is something small that is bothering you. Can be sensitive but strong too. He is someone you want in your life for either a shoulder to cry on to someone who can say something to make your day better.
Someone: Who's Blake?
Me: A friend that everyone needs.
by DarkDaydream March 22, 2021
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Is a extremely intelligent person, usually to much for his own good. He will come off as a person everyone will want to be friends with but will come soon learn it isn't that easy. Blake picks and chooses his favorite and will tell any individual how it is. Some people may not like Blake but all will respect him. He will make him a self-proclaimed leader and people will follow. He may suffer with drug use only because he doesn't play by society's rules. If you find someone like this make sure you get on his good side because he will ruin you if you cross him. He is able to talk he's way out of almost anything and even have you question weather or not things you know are fact are really true.
Blake? yeah I think he's in the Forbes magazine.
by Blake leader December 20, 2016
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An amazing person who will be there for you when you need him, he is a loving person and very caring and worth while an amazing boyfriend material will do anything for you and a gentleman, very sweet, gental, respectful, but most importantly unique
"I just met Blake! He is so reliable "
by Toxiccrab97 November 7, 2018
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Blake is always annoyingly smart. He doesn’t talk a lot but always gets the BEST grades. His parents are usually rich but he doesn’t flex it because he’s humble. He always hangs around with the person everybody hates (usually a Sam) but that doesn’t matter because no one else talks to the Blake anyway!
“Blake what did you get in your exam?”
by Ijustwanttodie November 13, 2020
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nice guy, usually just wants to get in your pants though, uses you for stuff and the ghosts you.
josie: blake hasn’t talked to me since we’ve chilled
peyton: that’s cause he’s a blake, dick and dash
by smaema December 6, 2017
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Another term for a man's Penis, Often replacing an Arrow to the knee.
Man1: You shouldve done that before you took an arrow to the knee.

Man2: It isnt an arrow, you dumbass, it is a blake.
by TehGOOSE December 29, 2011
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Annoying shit that always tries to act funny and acts like he's athletic. He leeches onto friend groups but never fits in any of them.
Did you see the leech today?
You mean Blake?
by FazeToenail May 18, 2017
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