To cease of the action you participate in.
Father: Stop
The Loving Child: But father, I was only consuming the liquids that grant me such energy
Father: No, stop talking like that
Child: I shall cease to talk now
by Nosnt November 22, 2019
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If your reading this, press the green button, I know ur tricks.
by Niko niii January 14, 2020
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guy 1: Bro come see this.
Guy 2: wow can urban dictionary people stop swearing?
Guy 1: I dunno *Shruggo*. I don't have control over it
by oofedinrobloxihatenewoof2022 September 3, 2023
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Hope this makes you smile :D

To define this word

Imagine you are in a group of people yelling and arguing then someone yells “ STOP” my brain always goes “ collaborate and listen” and now yours will too:D
by Bigskrimp December 8, 2020
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Hope this makes you smile :D

To define this word

Imagine you are in a group of people yelling and arguing then someone yells “ STOP” my brain always goes “ collaborate and listen” and now yours will too:D
by Bigskrimp December 8, 2020
Get the Stop mug.
Hope this makes you smile :D

To define this word

Imagine you are in a group of people yelling and arguing then someone yells “ STOP” my brain always goes “ collaborate and listen” and now yours will too:D
by Bigskrimp December 8, 2020
Get the Stop mug.
Hope this makes you smile :D

Also to define this word say a bunch of people are arguing and one person yells “ STOP” my Brain always thinks of this so here now you will too :D
by Bigskrimp December 8, 2020
Get the Stop mug.