Shimmy Squak is a city in the clouds. I was born there. It is not heaven tho.
I am the King of Shimmy Squak
by Shimmy Squak King October 9, 2020
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A word that comes up in every Kpop song and nobody knows what the fuck it means but hey, it sounds cool
"Shimmie Shimmie Ko Ko Bop, I think I like it" -EXO
by B-Foxie October 14, 2017
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A seduction tactic where you shimmy up to your significant other when they are in a chair reading a book and say, "Hey babe," before trying asking them to come with you to the bed room.

This was created my Michaela Laws on a twitch stream on September twenty second in 2017.
Michaela sends her apologies to anyone who's partner does the Michaela Shimmy.
by Ghost Of The Stars September 23, 2017
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A hand dance performed by a few sound blokes. Made in St Helens, it made its way over to the states and was absolutely raped in Miami. It will now diverge its was across the world to make itself known on a greater scale. The shimmy involves finding an NPC and dancing around them with your hands in the air. It may result in your phone being hurled across a room or you being physically removed from existence.
Crowley is over there meat hook shimmying again”

“Shalalalalala ohhh meat hook shimmy

“You won’t meat hook them birds over there will you, Bull?”

“We meat hook shimmy’d every cunt in the gaff”
by Pussy John March 21, 2023
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Shimmy is a sweaty veiny muscular african man that is constantly sweaty and comes extremely close to you when it asks questions or checks what you are up to, a shimmy is friendly and religious. But often times it's sexuality is questionable.
Person 1: Hey, why is that guy so sweaty? it's like 5 degrees outside? And also why does he come so close to people?

Person 2: That type of person is called a shimmy.

Person 1: Haha! What a shimmy that guy is.
by Ice-wallow-cum-69 June 1, 2023
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When you jerking off and cum in 4 seconds. Then later when you see your friends you claim it was a day
Yo did you see Dan, he just shimmyed
by Avi. R December 14, 2016
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