When you're Pinterest AF and have an uncontrollable need to build, create, design, and inspire and your friends begin to think you're insane because all you can talk about is creating things.
"I really want to make a desk right now."
"You need to chill it with the craft cravings."
by Sophi_Kylyn February 18, 2017
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An obnoxious bro who only drinks trendy craft beer and tells everyone about it whether they ask or not
Nate started bartending at a dive near the bus station and a craft bro walked in and bitched that they didn't have the trendy beer of the season. He was out on his ass in seconds.
by von groovy April 9, 2019
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The game of creating food dishes while under the influence of marijuana. Usually creating something absurd.
Yo bro last night when we got baked, you were playing *High-Craft* and you deadass made an omelette sandwich taco.
by Stoner-Man March 11, 2022
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It was a huge craft-tastrophe when the embossing powder fell off of the shelf and spilled everywhere
by Jboo7869 August 1, 2017
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one of the sexiest people known to man, great body, funny and really nice, she is also known to be a little insecure and has family problems. She is not shy and is sometimes very confident on who she is. She is also one of the prettiest people. She is usually skinny but thinks she is fat.
dang, i met a girl and she was a total Audrey Craft
by person full of awesome-ness February 27, 2011
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