That shining face, like a sweaty Seinfeld Newman, you get after spending time at the Y.
My boy came out the bedroom in Glazed Newman after putting in 20 minutes at the Y.
by Kennysack79 November 24, 2021
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Defecating on the covers and rubbing it in your partners face.
I one upped her Dutch Oven by giving her The Dutch Paul Newman. Afterwords she broke up with me and I had to buy a new bed.
by Paco1568 October 30, 2011
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Has genetal herpes. Thank's for the info Heather ;-)
Sara Jean Newman: (n) Did you hear the rumor Heather was spreading about Sara? Yeah, she said she caught herpes.
by Sum Ting Wong? March 19, 2018
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Fucking shit school in Western Australia, If you are a boy, and go to this school, you are either weird, a crackhead, or your a fucking creep. If you are a girl and go to this school, you are either popular, or sexualize anything. if you are anything in between, you are automatically the target of assault.
A: Hey, do you go to Newman College?
B: Yeah?
A: Go fuck yourself
by #1 Glizzy Gobler July 23, 2023
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a school in churchlands, perth in western australia, this school has mixed emotions, sometimes very including and accepting of you, but sometimes it could be worse than facebook after an episode of game of thrones
wow! he is like newman college
by JK Y THO? May 9, 2016
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a school in churchlands, perth in western australia, this school has mixed emotions, sometimes very including and accepting of you, but sometimes it could be worse than facebook after an episode of game of thrones
wow! he is like newman college
by JK Y THO? May 9, 2016
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