Metallica are an extremely influentual metal band. Their music has not really changed since the 80s, which some claim is a good thing, but it does result in all their music sounding the same. If you don't like them you get beaten up, and I don't like them. So I get beaten up.
I don't like Metallica *gets brutally beaten up by some metalheads*
by drschming May 18, 2005
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A band that is extremely over-rated. They somehow got famous playing the same songs over and over and over, while also playing the same single note through most of their songs.
No wonder people out of the 70s and 80s are so mindless and bland, they had bands like Metallica to listen to.

WTF? All they're doing is playing the same shit over and over, I wish I could get famous being so unoriginal.
by UpriverRiku November 2, 2010
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A term used to describe someone that sucks to a degree uncomprehendable when you use the word sucks.
Man, you guys can metallica my imklzsa.
by A Broom March 29, 2005
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Someone who looks like a stereotypical "heavy metal" person. Has a goatie or beard, black or longish hair, and wears sunglasses.
"Dude, that guy is soo Metallica!"
by BMWPower August 27, 2006
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A screaming death metal band that people listen to, many of whom do not like it, but they listen to it anyway because they think it makes them badass.
Aw, yeah! It's Metallica, yeah!
by El Mañana June 22, 2005
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"do you want to listen to metallica?"
"fuck that, i'd rather listen to miley cyrus."
"but dude, they're so metal."
"no, sir, they are not."
by zsh January 8, 2009
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listened by people that know real music and not that shit rap; people also think they worship goats and the devil
"do you like Metallica?"
"don't they worship goats?"
"no, your getting confused with muslims"
by likesmetallicahatesrap June 3, 2018
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