greg is the fastest growing youtube channel in all of youtube
in order to be greg, you must destroy crag
by I AM A LEMON November 5, 2018
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Greg is Danny Gonzalez's fanbase on YouTube. To be truly Greg, all you have to do is subscribe to Danny and turn on his notifications. Greg is the fastest growing army on YouTube (don't look that up). Danny's channel is the first channel to 100 million subscribers then lose them in the same day.
Subscribe to be truly Greg.
by Itsssz.aubrey June 25, 2019
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A Greg is when you are completely useless at everything you do, when you are a Greg you are a master of deception, a Greg is a captain of uselessness. When you are having a day when you feel like a Greg you blag your way out of everything, you huff and puff and blow your own ego. you get others to do your work and claim all the glory, once you have mastered this that when you are a true Greg. until you are a master you are not a Greg, Greg is the rank given to the best at sailing under the radar and getting away with doing nothing, hence Greg is also captain useless.
i dont feel like working today so im just going to do a Greg
i dont shit today so im just going to Greg
by I name December 18, 2019
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Greg is the best dude around

Sexiest man alive

Good at instruments(saxophone)
All the girls like him
Wow I wish I were greg
by Official definition February 18, 2017
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The biggest faggot and queer. He has no friends. lives a terrible life. everybody hates him. BIG DOUCHECANOE
by sdfghnjmk, May 2, 2018
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1. Someone who lacks cooking skills and cooks Texas Toast garlic bread in the toaster.

2. Male species of the phenotype nerd. Ears spontaneously turn red.
"Why is there cheese in the bottom of your toaster? Did you pull a Greg?"
by Dominique33 January 25, 2008
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A kind of grown man that likes to hit on and molest little boys. He tries to play himself off as a straight male, but does not even attempt to hide his love for the underaged boys. The median age for the type of kids he's attracted is his weight divided by his age. If the child does not fall into that age range, he is not attracted to said child.

Gregs can usually be found working at grocery stores creeping on the little boys. To save on groceries, a young boy can swipe the store's discount card between Greg's asscheeks for 10% off. If you are a female of any age, do not expect to receive any help.
#1: Did you see that child molester that got caught on the news?
#2: Yeah, he's such a Greg!
by SugarTs November 4, 2009
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