Jess polibio is an amazing girl , which is kind , makes you laugh cares about everyone and a person you can trust . if you see someone named jess polibio MARRY HER!
you can use it as "cagla loves jess polibio" or something like that .
by caglalovesjess101020 November 3, 2020
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A sapiophile who is in love with the idea of being in love. He is in great shape for his age, as he tried to keep a steady workout routine.
Hes passive and witty and mostly outgoing. Very confident, and will go out of his way to help a friend, or someone he is attracted to. He is the envy of most men, simply because of their own insecurities. He is respectful of himself and his partners, practicing old school morals, traditions and values.
While at a bowling alley , we look over at some guy who launches himself head first down the lane,

"Hey, whos he think he is, JESSE RAMIREZ"


"Forsure I'm gonna be JESSE RAMIREZ tonight at the bar, and get a few ladies numbers."
by DR.PAT FENIS January 18, 2022
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When each person in you household gets covid but one week apart so you have to stay lockdown for a month until everyone has recovered.
My son got covid, hopefully we all get it in one go so we're not Doing A Jess.
by Fishy94ish May 23, 2022
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A thicc boi that likes to look at pictures of naked llamas. He is also commonly known as Bat Boy. No not like batman.
Jesse Not again. Give me that picture.

Jesse Rees- Thicc
by KingBowenIII's assistant April 7, 2018
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very famous and rich boy in finland
Jesse Palmu on...
by possunnenä51 November 24, 2021
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