The most beautiful girl there is, was, or ever will be. She could lay claim to your heart and soul. But she won't have you.
She's phenomenal and sexy as fuck. Jess Ozella.
by Yeti-killer February 19, 2023
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The best father to Exist has family loves him and he's a great dad he is very sweet and can be mean if you correct him 😊
Wow that's a great dad must be a jesse crawford
by Summeranonymous12 August 22, 2022
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He is a nice guy but don’t get on his bad side. He is loyal and protective over his gf. He is really shy when you meet him but then as you get to know him and become his friend he is really fun to hang out with and a good person to rant to he has long hair and really pretty eyes
Jesse Seratt has really long hair
by Peppawhatareyoudoinginmydrink October 16, 2019
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loves Aedreian
Jess Ann is loved HAHAHAHAHHH
by kkneazle June 9, 2021
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The act of flirting and kissing many guys in a non slutty way - used for a girl who enjoys a good time with a variety of guys but still gives batt to many people.

The act of having fun with other people in a non serious way.

It basically means to have fun with a variety of people and flirt / hook up with them without being slutty or it being an act to be ashamed of.
"What are you doing this weekend?"
"Oh just jessing around - might get with Ethan"

"How is your relationship with Ben going?"
"Oh no, we are not in a relationship, we are just jessing around for the fun of it"
by seaaaturtlee August 11, 2019
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Jess polibio is an amazing girl , which is kind , makes you laugh cares about everyone and a person you can trust . if you see someone named jess polibio MARRY HER!
you can use it as "cagla loves jess polibio" or something like that .
by caglalovesjess101020 November 3, 2020
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