When someone Sticks his man meat in the anal cavern as soon as you get home without giving you a chance to lube up or set your keys down and unwind.
I had just walked in the door and my boyfriend was there ready to dominize me!
by Bubba-gimp da shrimp February 14, 2023
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1. Strategies employed by the esport team 'Sentinels'.
2. The middle name of Sentinel's in-game leader, Shahzam.
2.Sen Domination.
by tiffyc December 6, 2021
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when u make an idiot who thinks they know poker look like a fool because u absolutely destroy him in 2 hands and make it not fair for him then leave right after to show ur alpha male factor
my domination factor is off the charts
by getpoopedonuidiot March 29, 2021
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An amazing war themed game with extensive strategy and high quality gameplay.
I most reccomend you play it,seen as in my eyes it's a more strategic version of clash of clans.
You seriously haven't heard of DomiNations yet Bill?
What,you living under a rock?!
by UpsideDownDetective November 25, 2018
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A strategy based,base building game where you raid and *dominate* other players.
It has great strategy and tons of troops,basically a better clash of clans...
Hey guys,Bill hasnt heard of DomiNations yet!
Dude,are you living under a rock or something?
by UpsideDownDetective November 25, 2018
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What happens to Ethan when he encounters an oversized Karen with an obnoxious laugh.
by nonuser15 November 24, 2021
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