a guy/girl that is so pathetic they follow other couples around to parties and around school and ruin there fun. They dont understand that there only asked to 'tag-a-long'
out of pity, and are to oblivious to realise they are not liked and people wish they would die.
tom: hey nicole looking forward to your party tonight
nicole; i know, i can't wait!
dario: can i come please, ive got nowhere else to be and i'm afraid if i'm left alone i'll hurt myself.
tom/nicole: ok then errrr turn up at --
dario: i'll be there at 6, you cant take it back! i'm leaving, bye.
tom: jesus he's such a tag-a-long-twat
nicole: i know i hate him
by d a l November 24, 2006
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A term used in the show: South Park as a type of meme in the episode "Faith Hilling". This meme is portrayed as a person continuously saying "Oh Long Johnson" in a dangerous situation.
A boy was Oh Long Johnsoning in the road. After he said "Oh Long Johnson" for the 5th time. A truck hit him on his Rearend, punishing him for Oh Long Johnsoning in the Traffic.
by thenegativedegree November 3, 2013
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an expression meaning having sex with the same person for the long term...i.e. in a marriage or serious relationship.
I'm not really looking for the casual hookup anymore, I'd really like to find someone to long term tap it with.

I'd sure like to be "long term tapping that" with him/her.
by youjustgotblackberried2 May 19, 2009
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a place were the food isnt that great and you overpay. workers are usualy clinicaly insane and horny little bastards.
"lets go get our wallet raped by long john silvers
by fred sumner May 4, 2008
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An ambitious alternative to the short con. The mark is money rich and a bit less gullible than a short con mark. It's risky and takes experience running con games. Up front bait cash and a seasoned crew are often necessary. Be ready to walk away because the stakes are high. Called the long white con because it takes a long lead time to earn the mark's trust and it is a playing field traditionally reserved for white folks, although that is no longer the case. Popularized by novelist Iceberg Slim.
That real estate developer lost his fortune due to a long white con pulled on his ass.
by titmouse October 28, 2007
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A member of the female sex that hails from Nassau or Suffolk county; technically, Queens and Kings (Brooklyn) county females are "Long Island" girls, but out in the real world you'll get looks for saying that.

Many of them do strange things like wear their hair like they're Native Americans going to war, fake eyelashes, too much make-up etc. At least they put a great deal of care into their appearance.

Some of them come from well-off families. Some of the girls from Long Island go to college at the University at Buffalo; this saves them about $15,000 a year in tuition vs. most NYC universities, which they proceed to bilk their parents out of by getting them to buy them a new car. Frankly, I'm impressed by their cleverness.

Overall, they're girls like any other. I personally have found the Long Island girls I've met to be very friendly and sweet (and I'm not the best looking guy by any means), so I would say the stereotype of them being shallow is a little inaccurate.

No comment on the stereotype about them being airheads, though.

ME: UB has been around since the 19th century. Do you think Long Island girls came up from the city back in the 1800's to go to school here like they do today?


ME: But can you just picture them coming onto campus in a horse-and-buggy, wearing those old outfits with the giant hooped skirts down to their ankles--

MY FRIEND: --and talking with those accents?

We both bust out laughing


ME: Every Long Island girl I've met has been very sweet to me, despite the fact that I'm no Fabio. They're the butt of a lot of jokes, especially here at UB, but most of them are decent people. I will always have a soft spot in my heart for them. I kinda hope I marry a Long Island girl someday.
by corcan October 17, 2010
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Friends who knew you back in the day when you were nothing but your dreams.
I can asks her whatever, she's a long-time friend.

Friends who you are shameless around.
by Carocarbo February 28, 2016
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