Window Warrior-

Someone that show signs of extreme paranoia.

Could be complications from having a paranoid personality, drug induced paranoia, paranoid schizophrenia, or can actually be the truth; an aftermath of paranoia may present itself for victims and survivors.

The term window warrior was from people with paranoia standing watch oftenly looking through a window. Can turn aggressive for any perceived threats.

The objection does differ from criminals, victims and survivors, to a persecuted minority watching windows looking for any signs of an opposition, predators, to even signs of oppression.
Becky- "That guy has been in his front yard all day." (while peeping outside through the blinds.)

Terry- "Omg you are such a window warrior."
by bbobcali661 June 7, 2023
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Cyber Justice Warrior. A pejorative term for a “in the scene” individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on Cyber justice on the Internet. Calling it “Drama” they often argue in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation. A Cyber justice warrior, or CJW, does not necessarily strongly believe all that they say, or even care about the group(s) they are fighting on behalf of. They typically repeat points from whoever is the most popular hacker, tweeter or commenter of the moment. Their goal seems to be hoping they will be "1337" in the infosec/hacker community via likes, RT’s, comments, and become popular in return. They are very sure to adopt stances that are "correct" in their social circle.
It’s evident you are dealing with a CJW when they take to their blogs to summarize/laymen the “drama thus far”. CJW’s post in various forms of “Here’s my opinion, everyone is an asshole” essays, that only speak from a one sided perspective. (In other words, The hacker they most easily relate to.) Other signs are sub tweets, passive aggressive “jokes” and tendency to join a dog-pile for a “controversy” they have not taken the time to fully research, even when the OP or the entire thread is readily available.
Got to love this Cyber Justice Warrior tweeting everything but saying & doing nothing! #SMH
by poopsi mcgoo November 3, 2015
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A group consisting of the protagonists (and some allies) of the 15 current Final Fantasy games, plus the protagonists of Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy Type-0.
by The local Argentinian guy November 14, 2021
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a shottie bong. a Shottie is a way of smoking cannabis through in a bong, instead of having a bowl, the pipe is straight, a plug of tobacco is used, then cannabis is applied over the top of the tobacco. a lighter is applied until the plug burns enough to slip down the pipe and 'pop' into the water at the bottom. These can also be referred to as 'Shinobi Warriors'.
variations include:
"hey man, do you fancy coming to my room and toking some shinobi warrior?"
by Robbinnnz January 13, 2010
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A person who fought a battle for social justice in a stupid and very counterproductive way
When you want to do something at all costs, but you don't have the right mental skills. Often the battle carried on ends up becoming a joke.

Is a subgenre of Social Justice Warrior.
"Of all the problems that exist and that devastate our lives. Have you decided to fight this? You are a desperate warrior."
by Sorry W December 6, 2020
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