To go on a chat site and ask people at random for a superhero. You then proceed to find the most sexual definition and send it to them.
playing the superhero game on omegle is hilarious
by booblover5 May 30, 2011
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Gaming Gamer : is a god he is capable of doing everything.

He is just built different
Person 1 : why is gaming gamer a god?
Person 2 : because he is built different
by BananFanBase October 25, 2020
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When a e-mail inbox, video game(informational) websites' updates/reminders, and your mind, are full of new releases and upcoming video games titles, and you can't keep up with all of the information.
"Man there is so much games coming out like, Halo 3, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and Rock Band, that I'm having a major gaming overload."
by megacam October 4, 2007
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'Ag' is an easy fun game to play with your friends during class, break or at a party.

You will need :
- Eraser

- Pen

The eraser has 6 sides 2 Large ones, 2 medium ones and 2 small ones. On on of the large sides you write "A" and on the other one "G". On one of the medium sides you write "Cheese" and the other side "Black". On one of the small sides you write "Kiss" and on the other side "Lick". Now your "Ag" is complete.

Meanings and Rules :
- A : Thruth, the person who threw A has to make up a question that another player has to answer to. (You can choose who has to answer the question)
- G : Dare, the person who threw G has to make up a challenge that another player has to complete. (You can choose who has to carry out the challenge)
- Cheese : Cheese, the person who throws Cheese has to throw a random object in front of them. (You have to throw it hard or you have to Ag)*
- Black : Black, the person who throws Black has to hit another player. (The person can choose the victim)
- Lick : Lick, the person who throws Lick has to lick the player to the left of them. (It has to be on the skin)
- Kiss : Kiss, the person who throws Kiss has to kiss the player to the right of them. (It has to be on the skin)

* Any player choose to 'Ag' at any time. This means that they don't have to do the challenge and as punishment every player has to hit them. (This is not allowed to do when you throw Lick or Kiss)

To choose who has to begin you can play a game of 'Rock Paper Punch'
Hey guys, Let's play a game of Ag : The Game, grab your eraser!
by RGordini68 June 30, 2021
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a team of game "devs" that don't make their own games and can barely run a support service without the community's help. These faggots could be your friend or your dad and they love adding unwanted and unneeded DLC.
The cunts at EA Games ran battlefield series to the ground because they like men and money
EA adds unneeded DLC to madeen or something

EA likes to watch porn at work
by DADIS D IN ME July 21, 2020
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A "meteor game" is a sporting event in which both teams are disliked and the preferred winner is a meteor that crashes into the stadium and causes both teams to lose. This is usually subjective.
"Excited for the Super Bowl this year?"
"Nah, it's a meteor game for me."
by Tom Katz February 7, 2021
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Civiliangineer Gaming
Dude, I met Civiliangineer Gaming yesterday!
by AssRipper2000 October 7, 2020
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