Unlike the plethora of "dumb tiktok thing" definitions, I think this word actually has a stable meaning. (Perhaps this is my misguided understanding of the term.)

1. Story time is used, mostly in ball/drag spaces, at a point when someone is "being read" or a queen is performing at a level which other queens cannot reach or aspire to. It's a form of shade. It's telling the other person, "sit down, child, because you are about to be educated on something you're clearly ignorant towards."

2. This can also be used for dramatic flair when, shockingly, telling a story.
1. "Story time, get on the rug."

2. "Story time, my emotion non-clickbait journey. Super emotional."
by adnaus March 19, 2023
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"Story time" is a phrase that is often used to describe an occasion when someone tells a story or a group of stories, typically to an audience of children or adults. This can be done in a classroom setting, at a library, or at home. It can also refer to the time set aside for reading or listening to stories, for example, before bedtime for children. The term can also be used more generally to describe a period of time during which a person recounts a series of events or experiences, it can be a formal or informal way of sharing experiences, memories, or information.
Joe: Hey Bob, what are you doing tonight?

Bob: Not sure yet, why?

Joe: I was thinking of having a story time at my place. My kids love it when I read to them, and I thought it might be fun for us to do something like that together.

Bob: That sounds like a great idea. I haven't had a good story time in ages.

Joe: Awesome, I'll text you the address. We can grab some snacks and drinks, and make it a real event.

Bob: Sounds like a plan. Can't wait!

Joe: Me too, see you tonight!
by ninjea January 22, 2023
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people use it in comment sections when they have to parents, to cope
story time?”
by gorlyees!!2928 April 16, 2022
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Hi, my name is Tasha. And my bullies r Mina, lizzy, and Davielle. I was in school and I was late. They saw me and giggled. And forcefully made one of the students beside them point at me. The teacher saw, and polity asked me to sit down. So I sat, and waited patiently to get the supplies for the class.. Mina tried to push me out the chair. But I kept scooting from her. But sadly I forgot there was another mean person behind me named Lana. And she cut the back of my hair...
This is just a story . But stop bullying, it could help the world become a little better than what it is now
by Ali Wonderland_! April 1, 2022
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1) a story that is far fetched made up
2) usually a really lame excuse
Hey why didn’t you come to the party last night?

man i was on the way and then my phone died and couldn’t find it house so went home

Man that sounds like a mujke story
by Ramče July 22, 2019
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A snapchat story where people explain how them and old friends met eachother
by Hsnsban February 25, 2020
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The absolute most honest you can be in any situation.
-I just ran like 10 miles

-You're lying
-Man I swear True story no fiction
by protokiddo January 13, 2014
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