Go to google translate.
Get the languages English and Turkish.
Write Fortnite in the english section.
Switch the languages around.
That is what Fortnite is.
Fortnite is a frickin dumb piece of crap that should eat my turd.
by Mr. Nickster's ABC's October 14, 2019
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it means the same thing as: shit
*the list goes on*
Jimmy take “fortniteoutside now!
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Fortnite is a battle royal game with 100 pvp players. You can loot weapons and meds to try to survive. The point of the game is to eliminate other opponents and be the last player alive to earn a battle royal(win)
Hey Caleb you to play fortnite squads when we get home from school
by 4pf April 21, 2019
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Some dumbass game that dumbasses use, Now a dead meme it was once more popular than it is now. Created by some 40 year old virgins in their basement. Fortnite is a popular fast growing game that asks for your money every time you play it.
Hey joe! lets play fortnite!
by DB2133 June 10, 2018
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Olivia is the best fortnite player with a outstanding amount of kills and very good skills. You want to win a match or fortnite call Olivia!
Wow Olivia is so good at fortnite

Have you see the best fortnite player (ya Olivia)
by Gt0511 December 31, 2019
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when a player of fornite gets infected by the trash of the game and can't control his toxicity
Oh LeMuffinGamer has FORTNITEISM.
by Littlebeast113 September 7, 2019
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