When you introduce yourself into a situation to fuck and be gone immediately afterwards.

Reference "Toot and Scoot"
This lady is quarantined but is willing to bang. She's gonna hang her ass out of a window so I can execute a Fuck and Pluck.
by therealmadcow August 19, 2021
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Originated from a comment in a Youtube video from a Tex Avery short called Magical Maestro where Butch plucks a hair piece in a 4th wall break

To pluck a string of hair out of a film projector whilst being a character in a movie.
Used in a sentence: "Yo Bob get rid of that string of hair in a corny fourth wall break"

"Yesiree George, time to do "Plucking the film imperfection"
by IntergalactalEnergy November 23, 2022
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The act of snatching someone’s Adam’s apple between your thumb and forefinger and “plucking” it. Generally used to put a lesser male in check and assert your dominance.
Tyler was talking mad shit til I throat plucked his dumb ass in front of all his beta male friends.
by EspanolaDave December 20, 2018
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If this lockdown lasts much longer I'll be forced to pluck my own sparrows
by hooblemeyer February 12, 2021
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National pluck ur pubes day August 6 is a day where everybody plucks their pubes and their friends pubes.
“Yo Jack have you plucked your pubes yet it’s National pluck ur pubes day. Wanna help me pluck mine?”
by Pube suckers 69 August 5, 2021
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When you take your flaming pork sword and give a girl a vagina rumbling of a lifetime
Are you hangin with your girl tonight? Yeh imma pluck her!!!!
by frooty tooty in the booty December 29, 2014
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female pathology fan whose interest in the area is primarily motivated by sexual attraction to the pathologists rather than enjoyment of the field itself. They are often named Megan.
Man - she is such a pluck bunny. She even finds the phrase squamous cell carcinoma sexy.
by Erban Dickseanaerie April 5, 2018
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