When your just a memer having a fun time and your see a chick and she asks you out and you say :
Girl:Hey your cute wanna go out

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Yeah, right? Oh no! People living in a state of abject destitution! But it's harmless so who cares right? Oh no!
Hym "Oh yeah totally! You tell em lady! How dare they pretend to care about the homeless more than you! I mean, you don't care at all but it doesn't effect them so it doesn't matter."
by Hym Iam October 2, 2023
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When you say oh yeah oh yeah yeah it’s because you got exited about something
“I just won a game of cod bruh
“Oh yeah oh yeah yeah”
“Oh yeah oh yeah yeah”
by Phoebedumbclown November 30, 2020
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'Wow' or 'for fucks sake' - depending on tone used
Johnny's scored.
Oh yeah n dat and ting.

Johnny's dropped the spliff in a puddle.
Oh yeah n dat n ting.
by The man from Bushido Bay September 10, 2020
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A Canadian phrase often said in response to really any sort of claim or statement from another Canadian. It is meant to mean "right on" or "how 'bout that". Very informal in nature, usually used in conversation between two guys who are friends or at least casual acquaintances.
Canadian Man 1: "So Donny was telling me the ponds are ready to go for the winter eh".
Canadian Man 2: "Oh yeah eh?"
by DonnyDancer47 April 23, 2021
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