An African American term for having Parliament Lights and a bag of Skittles in your pockets.
"Yo Dawg, I'm ready to party, I got some P Funks and Razzle Dazzles."
by Charmander the Man Whore August 4, 2013
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The wise words of Tiger JK🫡
K-pop fan #1: “omg do you remember what Tiger JK said in topline by skz?????”
K-pop fan #2: “do you mean skedaddle intoxicated razzle dazzle???”

K-pop fan #1: “yeah omg, that was so iconic”
by September 13, 2023
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Phrase used by cokeheads immediately after doing a line the size of the rockies.
Holy razzle dazzle sparkle puff!!!
by Sweet sugarz April 1, 2006
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that some nice bud and i like your titties and chins
hey babe fo shazzle razzle dazzle im smoking you hot
by Henry ass nantucket March 20, 2005
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When you put the Super Idol lyrics to English using the Google translate.
Then you're probably as twice as bored.
Super Idol's smile is not as sweet as your sweet August noon sun is not as dazzling as you love 105 °C you dripping pure distilled water
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Short for "Vagazzle Dazzle". When Crush's mom stuffs her droopy lady junk between her legs for the viewing pleasure of degenerates.
Damn, Mike is getting another Dazzle from Crush's mom?!?!?! That's his fourth one this week!
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