This is said when something bad has happened to someone - implying that it is was just bad luck.

Could also suggest that this bad luck had to happen to someone.
Tony: Oh gawd - I got paired with Micky D?
Matthew: That's the way the cookie crumbles!
by pdc May 26, 2004
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A stupid, irritating way of summing up the way of the world. Like saying "ho hum, shit happens."
"Oh no, that wasp just stung me and gave me an allergic reaction and now I only have 2 seconds to live"
"Well that's the way the cookie crumbles I'm afraid."
by Floyd the barber May 31, 2004
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From the movie 'Bruce Almighty' means that is they way it is, some things just happens, you roll your dice and pay your price ect.
Why does it always rain when I go to a baseball game?
That's the way the cookie crumbles
by Dean May 30, 2004
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Bruce Almighty, said by Bruce Campbell in an effort to make a catchphrase similar to "And Thats the way it was"

Also a pun in that film, as the news story was about a giant cookie,

It means:

Thats the way it happened
....*news story*..

and thats the way the cookie crumbled
by Mike_Mohill June 1, 2004
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Timmy: I can't believe I revised for four hours on those topics and not one of them came up in the exam
Jinny: That's the way the cookie crumbles
Timmy: stfu
by brendan May 28, 2004
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Originating in the automotive community, the Crumbl cookie salute is a method by which those with homosexual tendencies indicate they are available for sexual relations. The salute is done by holding a cookie over the chest, typically on the left side over the heart, but is often times seen done on the opposite side as well. Though the name indicates “Crumbl”, the cookie does not in fact need to be from the Crumbl bakery; It is simply symbology to show that the saluter loves cock in their “cookie” (anus).
Jay: that guy over there is super cute, but I have no rizz. How could I get him to know I want him to fuck my asshole?

Frank: you should try doing the Crumbl Cookie Salute!

Jay: OH EM GEE! You’re so right, Franky baby. I’m going to do that!
by 0260someday August 14, 2023
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