Australian slang for true believer of conspiracies (initially anti-vaxxer, now more wider harmful conspiracist, see “cooker” for common originating definition).

A person who is so far from reality, that they worship harmful agents that act against their interests with wide spaniel eyes of adoration.

Vehemently opposed to reason, data, and experts.

Cooker spaniels much prefer in believing in false prophets, extreme right politics, extreme left politics, shills, propagandists, and “do your own research”. This is research in which they have at best, heard the term mentioned by various other conspiracists, and believe in with complete unquestioning faith.

Often seen posting misinformation on social media platforms, not just as a follower, but a leading light in their “alternative facts” world.

Highly prised asset of Hostile Intelligence Security Services (HISS) from diametrically opposing regimes of their country of domicile. This includes for Western Unipolar world bad actors such as:
* Belarus
* China
* Iran
* North Korea
* Russian Federation
* Syria
* Venezuela
* Vietnam

Female cooker spaniels are willing enablers and subservient to male cooker spaniels, worshiping their “alpha male”.

Male cooker spaniels identify by calling themselves “alpha male”, “patriotic”, “sovereign citizen”, “MAGA”, and “virile”.

They may have more than one tee-shirt with the self identifying motto “unvaxxed waxed and ready to climax”.
Wow! Did you see that cooker spaniel in the front row of the One Nation Party TV advert with all the placards?
by Unvaxxed Waxed & Climax March 11, 2023
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Remember my friend from Geelong Grammar who turned into an anarchist? Yeah, he's a cooker now.
by angelgirl99 August 29, 2022
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A person who Iives in the state of Victoria, Australia, and questions the Premier Daniel Andrews and the Labor Party running if the state during the pandemic from 2020 and ongoing. And the licking down of the state including the capital city Melbourne being the most locked down city in earth and firmer 7 times winner if the most livable city in the world.
Being called a cooker by the left means I am on the right path.
by Mjk1 November 8, 2022
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Australian slang for a mentally impaired person who has no grasp on reality.

The noun ‘cooker’ refers to the state of the persons brain, it is ‘cooked’ or fried and as such is in a constant state of malfunction resulting in the symptomatic cooker insanity.

Cookers believe in conspiracy theories and have hilariously insane takes. Examples of cooker beliefs include 5G causes cancer, COVID was a WHO conspiracy, and vaccines cause autism.

Cookers are commonly supporters of fascist political parties because they also have racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist and xenophobic feelings and beliefs.

Cookers are typically boomers who have left school early and then had their brain ‘cooked’ by the most insane parts of the Internet and right-wing media.
John was raving about how climate change is a Jewish Chinese conspiracy. What a fucking cooker.
by K.A.E July 18, 2023
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A pro cyclist who cycles around on his £10000 bike
See that cooker go by
by Fb2126 August 3, 2020
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Mason and Angel are wayyyyy cooker the Kati
by fuzzypear November 9, 2018
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1) to react in an intensely irrarional manner

2) an overwhelming feeling of emotions, often causing a complete and total breakdown

3) an absurdity
I was cookers last week. I did way too many drugs.

Cookers! That baby just gave me the devils eye
by hanazoew March 16, 2008
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