A treesh is another way of describing a female as a hoe. A treesh is someone who sleeps with different guys everyday or every week. A treesh tends to expose her body, to attract the attention of men and lure them in. A treesh can also be a female who cheats on her partner with many guys every night and usually most are gold diggers. A treesh is someone who is "easy". Which basically means they are easy to get in bed with.
Friend 1: yo I was with s/n last night, she was wild
Friend 2: really? What did you guys do?
Friend 1: she gave me head (sucked his dick) and we slept together.
Friend 3: I heard she slept with mark the other night as well, and she also slept with Justin on Friday
Friend 2: damn she a treesh
Friend 1: wow that's disgusting
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A treesh is a bitch who sleeps with different niggaz and all ways in niggaz dm’z and sucking mad dick
Yo tht hoe is a treesh she was sleeping with ya brother the other day
by Chefgod61 August 16, 2019
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A treesh is pretty much a hoe who has a new boyfriend all the time. treesh are usually girls who always hang around guys and are super annoying. Nobody likes treesh's usually.
Shes a treesh.
Look at Cali over there being a treesh.
Nobody likes her.. she hangs around with all the guys..shes such a treesh
by heyitsangieeee July 3, 2019
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A treesh is a word to refer to a thot in NewYork
by Macboy90 December 24, 2018
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Acknowledging someone for having the drip, a big bag and alot of female friends.
Your outfit is really nice you treesh.
by Thesavagep80 May 8, 2019
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