Takis are spicy Mexican corn chips flavored with chili pepper and lime. Extremely overrated and all it would do is fuck up your liver and the porcelain throne if you continue to eat them up like you haven't eaten in days! Some say it's the best snack but truthfully, it's not health wise.
The dude with the Takis: "Hey man you want some Takis?! They're so fucking bomb! You gotta have some!

"Sorry bro! I rather eat Taco Hell than that dumb "snack"!"
by Shb99 September 10, 2022
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Something spicy a middle schooler will eat to prove they can handle spicy stuff
Middle school boy: takis aren’t spicy (eats the whole bag)
by Im_chaos December 8, 2021
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The most awesome individual who can be located on the planet Earth.
Wow, look that's Taki!
by clifford_362 August 29, 2023
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Taki is a unique character. He tends to be very open minded, loud, fun to be around and creative. You’re lucky to even meet someone with such a name because finding someone this genuine is rare. He may have a troubling past and has a short temper. Taki is very easy to talk to and can often give really good advice, yet tends to keep to himself still. He may be hard to read and understand because of his mindset. He tends to be above his skill level with mind and his creative aura. Taki is multi talented and very open to trying new things and meeting new people. Anyone is lucky to have a friend of this nature.
Taki gave me some really good advice earlier today about my anxiety.
by beerme07 September 22, 2020
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