It's common knowledge seb Connelly will slam your mum then kill your father in the name of anti-establishmentarianism
Her:Seb Connelly seems like a great guy
Him:My dad's dead
by Shagger6969 May 6, 2019
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To Ballpit Seb:
To remain in a state of childish wonder, and possibly in denial, while holding a no thoughts head empty expression.

The equivalent of the 😀 emoji.
"Hey, heard you failed your test. You okay?"

"Idk bro I'm just Ballpit Sebbing."
by milfluvr.rawr March 27, 2021
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When one connects the positive terminal of a car battery to their asshole and the negative to the tip of their penis in hopes of sexual excitement.
“I got bored on my Friday night when no one was home and tried The Seb.”
by ybs. November 5, 2022
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White dude named Seb. Important if there is a white and black Seb in your friend group
Seb suck!

Which Seb?

White Seb

Ah yes - I hate him
by Banana phoneeee November 22, 2021
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The act of repeatedly backstabbing people that are close to you, playing victim, and worming your way out of situations. Just being an all-around shitty person.
That dude Seb'd me hard.

I'm sebbing Cody right now, he has no idea.

I'm about to seb all of my friends.
by sexy pinetree February 5, 2018
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"Seb" short for Sebastian

Mostly a Real nigga. Spends Moriarty of their time playing games or spends time in the streets. Person of this name tends to usually fall in love with a girl with the letter "J" in the name.

Favorite youtubers the person tends to watch is "Criken2" or "Matchunatchu"
"My Nigga Seb with the shits". "Hey seb, slide thru da block". "Aye Seb are you home yet? trying to play some Apex Legends together?
by yuhXd February 17, 2019
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