A viciously extreme animal rights organization, that some people seem to think every vegetarian is involved in or supports.
Incompetent Idiot- So your a vegetarian? You PETA Nazi! *screams*
Me- Actually, I happen to disprove of their methods and their outlooks on many things...
by SunkistSodaPop March 8, 2006
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peta - people for the ethical treatment of animals- is a huge animal rights organisation which belives in total animal liberation

this means no meat,no fur,no zoos,no leather,no eggs,no milk...
the list goes on and on

im all for agaisnt animal cruelty but the way peta convey thier messages are rather that of a vandalist.they sticke "meat its murder "stickers everywhere and hate on everyone which eats meat
guy1: hey look at that guy eating a veggie burgeR. he must be from peta
by ps7 August 16, 2005
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One of the largest animal rights groups in America. Run by hypocritical bitch Ingrid Newkirk, who endorses violent protests against pounds and animal shelters that occasionally get euthanized, while her organization kills over two thirds of the animals it takes in every year.

PETA's tax records confirm that PETA funds the terrorist organization ALF. ALF firebombs animal research labs. PETA agrees that animal research is wrong even though if it weren't for animal research many major diseases would remain completely untreatable, diabetes being just one such example.

In short, PETA is an evil corporation bent on destroying everything that makes humans happy, healthy and comfortable.
"I'm a PETA supporter and I have no upper body strength because I'm too pussy to eat meat."
by Lt. Bill Axlerod July 11, 2008
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liars, whiners, and terrorists who target america's children with violent propaganda. They break the law, only to be bailed out of jail by their peers. they would rather have a child die of cancer than a lab rat from testing. PETA also targets impressionable teenagers, with advertisements that say "question authority" which is exactly what teenagers want to do. They use violent videos on the internet, with illegal, bloody footage to get people to support their cause. they violate peoples right to chose whether they want to eat meat or not. overall, they suck.

oh yeah, and they also kill animals
Tom: I'm becoming a vegetarian
Brian: why?
Tom: i was searching through youtube, and i just happened upon a video from PETA, called Chew on This
Brian: Peta... You mean the terrorists who pull people in with violent propaganda and illegal violation of peoples rights?
Tom: uh. NO! they are a legitimate group with a positive goal
Brian; I hate you.
by courtXcore October 28, 2007
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Possibly the most retarded organization in the world, next to quiz rocket.

Peta hates you

They can't take the death of a single animal without natural causes lightly. Every time some horse dies, and all kinds of other things, a peta member bitches about it.
Some things I've seen peta members say (not exact quotes but basically what they meant):

-Humans don't have canine teeth
-Meat gives you cancer
-*kid stomps a caterpillar* "How would you like it if I crushed you?" "Stop doing that!" "Get the fuck out of here"
-Say no to dissection
-(something I read when I still played runescape "Take down white wolf mountain (a small mountain with wolves on it) they must be so sad being trapped there (ITS A FUCKIN VIDEO GAME!!)

PETA gave $70k to a criminal after burning down a medical test lab (or something like that)

PETA often takes adopted animals from families that
suspect the animal to be taken to a better home, when what PETA really does is kill the animal in their van and throw it in a dumpster

PETA hands out comic books to elementary school kids that say on the cover "Your mommy/daddy kills animals" and shows things like a woman shoving a knife into a rabbit or a man gutting a fish.

I barley scratched the surface.
by Peta Hater May 31, 2008
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Stands for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (yes, animals)
(Foolishly) campaign for "total animal liberation"
Filled with loony, anti-human hypocrites, with Ingrid Newtkirk as their crazed leader.
Peta trivializes the Holocaust.
by SocietyInDecline March 23, 2008
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