mylee is an extremely gorgeous girl with good style and amazing hair. She comes off as a bitch but once you get to know her she's really nice but judgy. she is the perfect girl but a true heartbreaker
You: WOAH! who was that hottie?
Me: I don't know, but she looks like a total mylee
by Cool beans November 23, 2021
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Mylee, is very beautiful girl with an amazing heart. Never let them go.
I like Mylee.
by Penis eater 3000 July 27, 2021
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myles is, in short, the ultimate opp

he sleeps with wet hair and accuses people of being horny

he doesnt like his spanish teacher which means he is lame

he wishes he were as tall as i am with platforms
oh my god youre such a myles p??? like youre the most annoying person ever
by notapickme November 1, 2021
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hes a really really cool friend and person and ukelele player and saxophone and electric guitar player who is NOT BAD LOOKING he looks good with his hair up and down regardless of what some other people see he shouldnt care what they think because they are obviously wrong and he should listen to his friend Elsie Kilmer the bass player that he looks good
Myles Close is very cool

by Elsiekilmr January 7, 2023
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She’s such a freaky gyal would be used when defining a sarah myles.
by Hollaabollal July 23, 2021
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A very hot married couple. Not legally aloud to be married tho.
Cole: Casey+Mylee are so cute!
Tyler: watch out that’s my daughter
by Heidndh July 19, 2022
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