to shoot yourself or be shot in the head, and have pieces of brain matter rain upon someone nearby.
by Demiurge27 June 19, 2010
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When someone throws bacon bits at you in celebration of a special day, like Kwanzaa or Easter.
John was not expecting anything for his birthday, but starting it off with meat confetti really changed his mood.
by BabaYaga'sFluidDispenser August 5, 2020
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Scratchcard scratchings
Fuck me there's colburn confetti all over outside shop must of been a wedding
by Dave Angel eco warrior January 24, 2021
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He drank so much that he had a confetti yawn.
by Put Bull November 30, 2019
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When one does an enormous sneeze without covering their mouth.
by aztekerz October 21, 2008
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The white detritus left stuck to your dick from cleaning up after a masturbation session, usually toilet paper.
Guy1: So did you bang Ally last night?

Guy2: No man, she took my pants off and was turned off by the cock confetti. I guess i forgot to shower.
by mike2285 August 7, 2012
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The left-over poop particles after a poop has been flushed.
"I walked in the bathroom and could tell you had a pot party from all the toilet confetti gathered at the bottom of the bowl."
by Diana Clark February 27, 2014
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