A beautiful girl with amazing qualities who is perfect for derwyn
Hey that's derwyns girlfriend, cheryl!
by 17aj May 18, 2021
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Cheryl is one of those friends that you wish you could stay friends with for a long time. She's quite optimistic about a lot of things and is a very great person to be around! She always pulls off the most insane of tasks and never gives herself a break, but will always deserve one. She is the type of person to do what she thinks is right and do what can benefit her friends the most. She may be insecure or hateful of herself, but in reality she truly is one of the best people you'll ever meet. She pushes through hard times and isn't afraid to reach out for help whenever needed. She will always be there to comfort you whenever you need it. Overall, Cheryl is a great friend that you should keep near and dear to your heart for a long time.
Person 1: My friend, Cheryl, she's just amazing! I can't describe it in words! She's helped me through so much and I am super duper grateful that I met her so early on.
Person 2: Well, I'm glad you have someone like that in your life! Heres to you 2 sticking together for a long time going forward!
by Runic/Isaac March 25, 2023
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A badass who gives no f in the world, Pretty chill and cool, unless you snatch her coffee.
by Someone on this universe November 5, 2021
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Cheryl is a nice, beautiful and gorgeous DEMON with a coffee addiction.
"Cheryl is drinking coffee again"
by Someone on this universe November 5, 2021
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Very Beautiful , talented , trustworthy , and very smart

That's why you should keep her she's very lovable!
Cheryl is very sexy , long hair , and She loves a men a lot

your lucky if you have Cheryl !
by JENNIE JOY June 15, 2021
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