A small town located in northeast Ohio mostly composed of upper middle class Caucasians with Visa Platinum Cards. Lots of people who are obsessed with clock towers and other rich person stuff.
James Ellsworth (Man who "upgraded" Hudson, Ohio to a sissy white boy town) loved clock towers and probably would have had a Visa Platinum Card if they were around back then, seeing as he had like six villas in foreign countries.

We still love Hudson though even though it's clocktowery and sissy white boy-esque.
by Jennifer and Jessy Lee June 23, 2006
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Jason Hudson is a C.I.A agent in the Call of Duty Black Ops series. He is in the following Call of Duty games, Call of Duty Black Ops, Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Call of Duty Black Ops 4, and Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War.

In Call of Duty Black Ops, he is given the task to interrogate Alex Mason (another character from the Black Ops Series). Alex Mason has numbers stuck in his head and he doesn't know what they mean and figuring that out would save the world from a Russian attack plan by Nikita Dragovich called "Project Nova". Hudson's job is to try to get Mason to figure out what the numbers mean.

In Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Hudson is on the mission with Alex Mason (from Black Ops 1) and Frank Woods (another character from Call of Duty Black Ops) to find and capture Raul Menendez.

In Call of Duty Black Ops 4, he isn't the real Jason Hudson but a clone created to act like him

In Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War (takes place in between Black Ops 1 and 2), Hudson is once again at work with Alex Mason and Frank Woods but this time there's a newcomer to the series named Russell Adler. They're given the task to try to stop Perseus a Soviet Spy who had the power to change the tide of the Cold War multiple times.

Although Jason Hudson isn't the most popular character in the Call of Duty Black Ops series he is still a fan favorite and badass like all the other characters in the series.
Jason Hudson is such a badass I wish I was more like him.
by SirTaco123 September 23, 2020
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He’s as Eboy who dresses in most black clothing and loves his fans. He is really sweet and gives the best hugs!
Chase Hudson gives the best hugs
by Huddygang July 24, 2020
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Character on NBC's The Office.

Stanley works as a sales representative at the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin, a paper supply company.

Stanley is a hard worker with an affinity for crossword puzzles and a disdain for Michael Scott, his boss.
Stanley Hudson as described by Michael Scott: "Wanted: middle aged black man with sass. Big butt, bigger heart."
by valerie2776 June 13, 2008
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Located in FL. Basically a bunch of red necks with confederate flag shirts. who do Heroin in the bathroom stalls. Also with a shitty football team and uniforms who bleed out when it rains. Also, everyone at the school is on free or reduced lunch.
W person: Ewww You gotta transfer to Hudson highschool.

B person: yeah Ik hopefully I make it out alive
by Yesthisistrue January 16, 2020
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When everything around you has completely failed, you make one last ditch effort for an acceptable outcome.
Bill was unemployeed, divorced, and broke so he decided to go for the Hudson and join the Peace Corps.
by Friday_Arvo February 6, 2009
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Rear-entry ski boots.
"Does this fanny pack to go with my one-piece"

"You know it. Some Rock Hudsons would really complete the ensemble"
by DandKQ November 14, 2012
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