5 definitions by valerie2776

Best Wishes

1. The most embarrassing way to end a phone conversation. Ever. Pioneered by nerdfighter John Green.

2. An expression of hope for another's welfare.
"And then, when it came time for the phone call to end, they were like, 'All right, well, take care, talk to you soon,' and I said 'Best wishes!' Best wishes?!"
by valerie2776 June 13, 2008
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Stanley Hudson

Character on NBC's The Office.

Stanley works as a sales representative at the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin, a paper supply company.

Stanley is a hard worker with an affinity for crossword puzzles and a disdain for Michael Scott, his boss.
Stanley Hudson as described by Michael Scott: "Wanted: middle aged black man with sass. Big butt, bigger heart."
by valerie2776 June 13, 2008
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Hank Green

Hank is a tiny yellow songbird said to represent the soul of France.

He is also comprised completely out of awesome.
Hank Green and John Green are, in fact, not the same person.
by valerie2776 July 5, 2008
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Dwight Schrute

Character from NBC's The Office, portrayed by Rainn Wilson.

Dwight Schrute is fast. To give you a reference point, he is somewhere between a snake and a mongoose and a panther.

Dwight: "Dwight Schrute. My father's name: also Dwight Schrute. My grandfather's name: Dweide Schrude, Amish. That's my family. I don't know where they came, the Amish, came from originally. Uh, Amland."
by valerie2776 June 13, 2008
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The opposite of jokes; the antithesis of cool. Invented by Nerdfighter John Green.
Hey, remember when you stole my ex-girlfriend? That was really tragedies.
by valerie2776 April 23, 2008
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