Number 15 burger King foot lettuce, the last thing you want in your burger King burger is someone's foot fungus, but as it turns out thats what you just might get
Number 15 burger King foot lettuce, the last thing you want in your burger King burger is someone's foot fungus, but as it turns out thats what you just might get
by Mav. 00 August 1, 2021
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person a: !numbers
person b: oh the letter is b? thanks
by 6956butnottaken October 3, 2022
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person A: !numbers
Person B: oh, the letter is z! thanks!
by 6956butnottaken October 4, 2022
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Slang word for prescription medication Dilaudid. Probably called numbers because the standard strength is either 4 or 8 mgs.
I'm so sick, man. Please get me some numbers.
by Ealsa345 August 19, 2022
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Hey did you hear about the number 19 guy? Yeah he used his Cock as a screwdriver.
by Mcakey September 24, 2021
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when someone has a catastrophically negative KD:R in a shooter game, a such as valorant
-cheems goes 0/19-
"Wow cheems, you're really putting up pl4ty numbers right now"
-cheems cries-
by Random shtuff December 30, 2022
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