A varaition of a "six-pack" of beer, similar to "sixer" or "a six of...". Origin: south side of Chicago.
"You headin' to the liquor store? Grab me a six pail of tall boys, would ya? Here's a fiver."
by Arthur Jackson October 11, 2007
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When you are gang raped by a group of ghosts. Like when you wake up thinking you fell down the stairs bottom first with no recollection of what happened.
I think Jamal was phantom sixed last night. His butthole looks like a worn out vagina and he thinks he fell down
by Ewrecksean May 8, 2016
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or Worried 6 (#worried6). State of such overwhelm or anxiety that an event takes a sixfold-size of significance or paralysis. Much more serious than common or garden worries

also can be used in American Football in high-leverage moments when your opponent is sooo likely to score or your QB is about to throw pick-six
when the other team almost scored i was worried six

mate i was like worried six before we had to go on stage

I %#€% knew he’d throw an interception, I was worried 6 !!!
by scmat September 14, 2022
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The most high ranked navy team and one of the most trained teams of all time. They are always to get the task done.
There is a game based on them it is called Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. There are unlimited books based on seal team six, and most of them written by Tom Clancy.
Person 1: Hey did you know that Seal Team Six is one of the best teams there is.

Person 2: No, what is Seal Team Six?

Person 1:play this game called Rainbow Six Siege and find books written by Tom Clancy.

Person 2: I will check them out.
by Golden mama October 16, 2017
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to dunk one's hand into a glass of milk to retrieve an accidentally dropped cookie to prevent it from getting soggy
*drops cookie ito water
"Fuck it, i'm seal team six-ing this"
by Thundercats4eva February 20, 2015
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