Can be used like dude. Usualy people who belong to the 5% use it to refer to each other.
yo god, you think we can blaze blunts up in this?
by Kev Nice March 10, 2006
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Garatied Over-night Delevry
there gos the G.O.D truck with my package
by Cory May 12, 2003
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The supernatural all-knowing and all powerfull creator of the world.
Many people believe there is no evidence of God and therefore deny God's existence, although there is a whole history book that logs the creation of our universe and the life of his son Jesus. The book dates back to times long before us, but nonbelievers think that modern day Christians pulled the book out of there ass.

The new testemant in God's Bible, gives the most in depth and perfect, and I stress perfect, writings on the philosophies of life.
by Dr. Dale September 10, 2007
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good has two o's not one god is the wrong way
by SuperAwesomeSauce October 16, 2011
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im quoting George carlin on this one!
god is "an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!

But He loves you."
Kid: grandma what does god look like?
Grandma: no one knows
Kid: grandma how do u know what he wants u to do?
Grandma: dont u dare question gods existance!!!

Kid: o.O
Grandma:if u doubt him hell send u to hell
Kid: why?
Grandma: because he loves you!
Kid: o.O
by i hate idiots 199 May 2, 2011
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1. chuck norris. don't deny, don't hate. or else he will come after you.

2. reason of much political strife and stress. lets agree to not agree and both stfu.

3. dood hoo haz a lawt of mispeled definashuns.

4. person with his own channel on TV and owns millions of houses worldwide-just look for the fat priest.

5. creator of men, women, and Billy Mays

6. dude who died on friday, tough.

7. your boss.
1. peace and love.

2. who cares if he exists or not, shut up, we don't care.

3. seriously, I'd love to see the 5-yr olds' parents' faces if they saw their kids on here.

4. he's there, and probably your best chance at getting legally drunk, just ask for the blessed blood or whatever.

5. God bless his soul.

6. reborn on sunday, no less. where'd the weekend go?

7. and what an asshole he is.
by No more names May 2, 2010
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