A season of a TV Show where most, if not all of the scenes take place in a single setting. This is similar to the term “bottle episode”, only the budget is saved for an entire season instead of a singular episode.

This term was first coined by YouTuber “Vee Infuso”in 2020 to describe the final season of “How I Met Your Mother” and how majority of the season takes place in 3 days.
TV noob: Why are the charaters staying in one or two places the whole season??

TV guru: Duh its called a bottle season. they don't have alot of money left so they are staying in one place to conserve it.
by May 9, 2022
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When one man jizzez into a jar, closes it, and shoves it up another man's ass so that the jar shatters.
Guy 1: Hey man, my homie just shoved a cum filled jar up my ass. It shattered, and now I may have an infection.

Guy 2: Cool dude! Thats called lightning in a bottle!
by Cannabis Kermit June 19, 2024
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When a male has 5+ water bottles in their bedroom/game room.
Dude! Whats up with the Water Bottle Crisis in here? You gotta trash all those!
by GaiaW August 19, 2023
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When someone has an excessive amount of empty plastic bottles in their room
by GaiaW August 19, 2023
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A sexual reference phrase for girls who stand up against the bottled water movement. They want people to stop using plastic bottles.
Damn Andrea is really bottling Devon's water tonight!

Andrea: Bottled water is not only more expensive and damaging, but is usually filled with tap water.
Mike: You can bottle my water ;)
by russiannibba69 December 13, 2017
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In a party, an empty bottle is spun and whoever it lands on must kiss the person who spin the bottle. The rules are NGK (no guys kissing) but the rules on girls haven't been heard.
by 2000hey July 5, 2022
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A game usually played at a club where a person spins a wine bottle and they have to kiss the person whom the bottle lands on
Vanessa: Hey, Mauricio, I am going to hang out with Brianna, Nicole, Elizabeth, Sarah, Quinn, Erika, and Natalie, and we are going to play spin the bottle.
Mauricio: Okay, while you do that, I am going to shop at Spencer's Gifts.
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