A pretty beautiful Fair lady who has nothing to offer in relationship, wey ein head die small
Most fair lady's ar pretty nonsense girls
by Official_Muruchini March 22, 2021
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A woman who has no ambition for her future and dwells in a world she created through her thoughts where she thinks the world revolves around her
I don't think you should be seeing her anymore because she's a nonsense girl, all she does is text on her phone and go to useless parties and post revealing pictures on social media seeking attention"
by JonnyBoy7553 June 28, 2023
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1. Doing something ridiculous for no apparent reason

2. Being a jerk for the sake of being a jerk
3. Erectile dysfunction under the age of 40
My kids were putting legos in the pots last night.

That is some real cock nonsense
by Bmcclure1 January 24, 2020
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