People who are on a mental high all the time
Tommie what the hell are you doing
Idk I’m higher then a plane
There for a crackhead
by Andioop@ September 27, 2019
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Crackheads are weird quirky 13 year olds who love radio rebel and where bandanas and think listening to billie eilish is crackhead energy
Wanna be crackhead “omg I’m such a crack head dropped my pen
Me”stfu Your not your just a loser :)”
by Frickacreeper69 June 12, 2020
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Not necessarily someone who is strongly addicted crack, but is an overall drug fiend and acts like a crackhead.
"Man, Todd keeps calling me to front him a bowl. I mean who does that!!!"

"Fuck that crackhead"
by Kiahn October 21, 2013
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Someone who parties hard and goes crazy, drinks a lot of alcohol maybe does some drugs on the side and definitely has had sexual relationships with at least 20 people ... no cap
Damn, did you see Mary last night? She went so hard she blacked out and everything. She’s such a crackhead.
by nocap678 August 10, 2019
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A crackhead is a person that is high on Crack & is fully energized. He will do anything that his mind is thinking of.
Man Look at Ray. He’s a Crackhead “
by RIP Kobe 💜💛💜🏀 January 2, 2022
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